Firefox Multi-Account Containers now needing permission to “Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox”


A new version of Firefox Multi-Account Containers requires permission to “Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox.”

Have a look at the two vague lines in the release notes:

Now Containers can integrate with Mozilla VPN or your own proxy to create a secure, private connection that protects your activity.

I tracked this down to a PR in the extension’s source repository. From that PR:

If the Port [a connection to the Mozilla VPN native app] is established, the MAC [Multi-Account Containers] interface will be updated with a slew of MozillaVPN specific features that facilitate painless per-container proxy configuration.

🙁 It’s been nice having this extension and a commercial VPN service being two separate things while it lasted.

Edit: Okay I installed the darned update. I’m now enjoying 😣 this slew of features that facilitate painless per-container proxy configuration in the interface.

My last post was about either Exploiting CVE-2021-42740 or Redesigning a microwave to have all idempotent buttons. Find out which.